Take Back America: Brown, ’92 (1992)

The story behind this video follows the photos. See below.

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Take Back American: Brown ’92

Sometime in the late 80’s at the studio of Gary Lloyd and Karen Kristen, DTLA,  I learned that “we” were making our move in ’92 with Jerry as the spearhead.  Jerry was around and I’d run into him at Gary and Karen’s.  I went back to New York and didn’t really think about it much until ’92.  My daughters were in college in Boston and promoting the candidate from Massachusetts (remember him?).  I asked how that was possible  – what were they thinking – and one replied, “Well, Mom, we didn’t hear anything about Brown or anyone else in Boston.” The next day, I walked into Brown’s 42nd Street headquarters and volunteered.

I can tell you how we lost New York; I saw it happen, but that’s another story.

Still inspired, I left my day job and traveled to Pittsburgh, carrying footage that another volunteer, Dave Channon, shot at a rally in Union Square, NYC.  I had called the California headquarters and arranged for the national primary tape to be mailed ahead to Pittsburgh.  So, this Pennsylvania Primary tape begins in NYC and moves to Homestead, PA, a strong union town and home of the infamous Homestead Strike of 1892.  In 1992, the steel mills had been shut down and unemployment was rampant.

I edited footage shot in Homestead, together with scenes from NYC and the National Campaign video.  With volunteers, some with whom I had worked in NY; others from Pittsburgh; Carnegie Melon Electronic Arts Dept.; and Encore Entertainment Post Production House, I was able to produce, direct, edit, and get this tape distributed state-wide within a few days (of course, no one was getting any sleep).  Additionally,  it was chosen by WNET, NYC,  as the video they aired to represent the campaign.

We did not win but we have not lost.